„Ausschlaggebend für die künstlerische Aussagekraft ist nicht allein das zeitnahe Thema, sondern die vorwärts weisende zeitbedingte Kunstform.“
(Wille Schenk 1947, painter and graphic artist of the Berlin Secession)
All works of the artist can be purchased. Contact: ed.uf1739415861ans@n1739415861efear1739415861g.lei1739415861nad1739415861
CV of painter and graphic artist Will Schenk
1901 | born in Dortmund |
1920 – 1922 | Studied at the School of Applied Arts Dortmund |
1922 – 1924/25 | Studied at the Art Academy Königsberg/Pr., Master student with professor Degner |
1925 – 1931 | Work as a freelance artist and art teacher in Berlin |
1931 – 1939 | Settlement in Lübben i. Spreewald, Artistic creation as “inner emigration”, Teaching as an art teacher |
1939 – 1945 | Military service |
1945 – 1946 | Escape from Soviet captivity to West Germany/ Dortmund |
1946 – 1948 | freelance painter and graphic artist |
1948 – 1960 | Kunstpädagogische Tätigkeit |
1948 – 1980 | freelance painter and graphic artist |
1981 | Death |
Bibliography of Wille Schenk
Cornelia Bering, Wille Schenk (1901-1981), Existenzkunst im Spannungsfeld von Welt und Ich, Essen 1990, ISBN 3-89206-355-9 Die Abkürzung “WV” unter den Bildern auf den folgenden Seiten steht für das Werkverzeichnis nach Cornelia Bering, a.a.O., S. 267 ff.
KUNSTRÄUME, Heft 1 / 1991 Wille Schenk, ISSN 0940-0605
Notes on the artistic work
There are 3 films (on DVD) about the work of Wille Schenk, which can be accessed via the contact address if interested.
Inhalt Vita (Overall view of the work) YAMA (History of an abstraction process) Kirmes – Sum of the old age work.